Friday, February 22, 2013

Renee's Quilt

My cousin and his wife have the cutest little girl who is about the same age as my little girl. I wanted to make her something special for her birthday in July... and then we moved 12 hours away to an apartment that lost power for 5 days the night we moved in thanks to a freak storm, and I just forgot.

Fast forward a few months and I took up quilting and decided to make her a toddler quilt for a veeeery late birthday present and an early Christmas present. I had some fun scraps and thought I'd try piecing them together into workable squares. And then I found out after finishing the quilt that there's a name for this.

*Disclaimer: it was dark and raining and I had a dying camera. These pictures are terrible.

But I finally did get a free motion foot and tried out some crazy squigglies on this and had such fun. My toddler did exactly what I hoped Renee would when she saw the quilt: crawled on it and picked out all of the animals, fruits, plants, and nursery rhymes on the quilt. It's backed in denim with one simple stripe of random girly fabrics.


  1. So wait - what's the name for it??? (the art of piecing together scraps, I mean...)

    1. string boxes! they were sooo much fun and forgiving to make. awesome use of stuff that'd otherwise get pitched. START QUILTING, AUDRA! Dooooooo it!
